Monday, May 6, 2013

My New Venture

With finals rolling around I find myself drinking more and more water. It is literally at my disposal when ever I feel like partaking. It is interesting how even I, someone that is so passionate about clean water sources, would be caught up in my daily activities to be ungrateful for what I am so graciously given to drink.

Many people complain about not being able to have enough soda to quench their thirst while eating chips or junk food of the like, but when has anyone ever said that they haven't had enough water? I mean sure our body is composed primarily of water, but what does that have to do with this? As I have stressed multiple times and I will stress again, water is an essential portion of any person's lifestyle. Whether we like to admit or not, water must and will always be apart of who we are as living beings.

My most recent venture actually happened today when I designed my own car decal. It can be purchased online at:

Though the money that will spent towards buying these will not at this present moment benefit the building of wells in Africa, the goal is to eventually sell them to raise money for my nonprofit I am in the midst of setting up. If you are interested in purchasing a car decal please do so. Below is a picture of what the decal looks like.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A Tsunami or a Light Drizzle?

I had an interesting thought yesterday... What if I took a stab at trying to create my own nonprofit. I know what you're probably thinking, "He is only 19, what could he possibly be able to accomplish?" Well, I have a wake up call for you. I have friends, they have friends and their friends have friends. All it takes is one drop of water to make a difference. Metaphorically speaking I want to be one of those drops of water that breaks the barrier between unclean and clean water sources. Yes I realize that it will be an incredibly hard task and a task that will take a lot of tenacity. I made it to college, obviously I have some form of tenacity that is built up inside of me. Creating my own nonprofit for this dire need will also require me to not be willing to give up while standing in the face of adversity. I am going to have a lot of doubters and I realize this, but this is something that I am extremely passionate about as well as something that I want to be involved with personally.

I know that in some of my previous posts I discussed a lot about Charity Water. I think this organization is fantastic, but I also believe that aside from donating money to them that I would be able to have an impact on countries like Cambodia, India, or Rwanda.

Doing math has never been my strongest subject, but one math problem that I know I can figure out any day of the week is this one:

I think this is a phenomenal image as well as a true testament to what I have been expressing thus far in my blog as well as what I will continue to use as a life anthem for myself.

A poet has come up with another poem that I believe to be quite fantastic as well as a great idea. The video of the poet reciting the poem is below. In closing, will you also be a raindrop that causes a change in this world thus creating a tsunami, or will I be one of a few that is trying to cause a torrential downpour to occur?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rwanda, They Need Us

One of the major countries that has problems with unclean water sources is Rwanda. Rwanda is home to 10,942,950 people. Of this mass of people, not many of them have access to clean drinking water. In fact, because of this issue the most common form of death that occurs in Rwanda is death by worms. Truthfully this is an extremely preventable thing. All it takes is initiative. I think the best way to light a passion under any person's feet is to show them the people that are in need, that way they can realize who and what they are putting their hard earned money towards. 

Charity Water has taken the initiative to become the eyes of people around the world. How you ask? Simply by making a video that is filmed in Rwanda. I think it is a great thing that they took the time to do so. 

Also, within this video they expressed how every year on the anniversary of Charity Water, they dig a well. By digging this well, for instance in Rwanda, this will cut down an hour long hike down to fifteen minutes. This is honestly exhilarating in my humble opinion.